Friday, July 4, 2008

Sport's Day at Tadika Seri Soka

It was Jayin's sport day on May 10, it was a grand event. Most of the students bring their parents, brothers and sisters to attend. And you need to wear the group color, if you want to participate in the games. Jayin is in Red Group. So we needed to wear in red. For girls, it is easy to find one or two pieces red t-shirt in your wardrobe. But I just could not find one for Mr. Chong. So, our Baba Chong have to buy a new T to attend this event. Look at his happy face, I think he is happy to be in red!

This was the first time we joined Jayin's sport's day, because last year I was pregnant, so we did not attend. We were happy we did not miss it this year, it was really an enjoyable one!
Shu Yin and Jayin are looking for those red threads in between the shred papers, they need to pick them out by using the chopsticks.

Hurry up! Run faster and don't look back!

Look at our face, there are white marks that can scare away monsters, so we are safe now!

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